Research and Evaluation

Our team are committed to research that translates in to improved practice.

research and evaluation

A number of our team members have been involved with exciting, leading practice industry-research partnerships that push the boundaries, test new ideas and improve outcomes for vulnerable individuals and communities.  We will work with you and your team to understand the information you already have and determine the best approach for designing a comprehensive research and evaluation framework that will meet your needs.


Our services include:

  • Working with you to design a best-fit evaluation framework.  This includes the success factors, purpose and audience, appropriate scale, evaluation questions, performance indicators, data sources and methodology.

  • Quantitative and qualitative research

  • Literature reviews

  • Survey development, administration and analysis

  • Focus group research

  • Case studies

  • Support with participant recruitment methodologies

  • Production of visually impactful research reports suitable for a range of audiences.

In the contemporary human services sector, evaluations are increasingly important tools used to tell your story, support continuous improvement and demonstrate effectiveness to funding bodies.  Similarly, publishing research is a great way to cement your organisation’s reputation.

Talk to us today to see how we can tailor an approach that will suit your research and evaluation needs.